Thursday 19 September 2013

Marriage: Is it for love or money?

These days most people marry for love. But is love really enough? Does it overcome our desires for security and privileged living?

Money Money song with Lyrics by Abba

Well in the 18th Century many people sure didn't think love was enough and the idea to marry for wealth and security was extremely common. In the novel Mrs. Bennet, Lydia, Miss Lucas, Mr. Collins and many other character's shared this opinion that people should marry for security and respectability rather than love. Miss Lucas even stated to Elizabeth that  “I am not romantic you know. I never was. I ask only a comfortable home, and considering Mr. Collins’ character, connections, and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair, as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.” (J. Austen, 1813:330).  As a divorce was virtually impossible and extremely looked down upon back then, many of these wealth and security over love marriages often resulted in unhappy marriages, like Mr and Mrs Bennets marriage. Women simply could not divorce their husbands even if he was constantly drunk or abused her, unless the husband brought his mistress to live in their house. Therefore marriage settlements were drawn up so if the husband was to unexpectedly leave his wife or died, the wife would be able to get some money (usually the dowry previously paid to the husband upon marriage) to be able to use to take care of herself or to leave to her children.

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